FRANKLIN – The Town Council approved a municipal energy aggregation plan with the hopes that it will save local electricity customers money on their bills.

The council heard a presentation about the merits of an agreement with Colonial Power Group during its Wednesday meeting.

Representatives from the group, as well as the consulting firm Community Paradigm Associate, gave a brief slideshow presentation about municipal aggregation, which would have the town seek bids from power suppliers. Municipal aggregation options, they said, typically save customers money and – since the town can determine the length of its contract – can enjoy more stability from rate fluctuations.

Officials also noted that though residents will be included in the program by default, they may choose to opt out when they wish.

He added that customers can also opt back in to the program as well.

The council voted unanimously to approve the plan.

Deputy Town Administrator Jamie Hellen said the matter must now go before the state Department of Energy Resources and Department of Public Utilities.

“Once it’s approved – hopefully in the summer – the town will go out and do procurement,” he said.

Hellen said the town would look to determine rates for a number of options, including contracts of six, 12, 18, and 24 months, and those featuring renewable energy and non-renewable energy.

“We’d be hoping (residents would see the changes on their bill) around Halloween or Labor Day, given that we’d know what the rates are earlier in the summer,” he said.

The council originally voted last year to research municipal aggregation, and the town contracted with Colonial Power Group in February. Some municipalities who have pursued aggregation have seen savings of around $100 to $200 per family.

Mike Gleason can be reached at 508-634-7546 or For news throughout the day, follow him on Twitter @MGleason_MDN.

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