Submitted by the Select Board

The Town of Carlisle is pleased to announce new options under its Community Choice Power Supply Program (a.k.a. Community Choice Aggregation or Municipal Aggregation) that will help to increase the creation and use of renewable energy in New England.

This program only affects the supply portion of residents’ monthly bill. It will not affect the delivery portion of the monthly bill. There will be no change in electricity service received. Carlisle customers will continue to receive one bill from Eversource for both supply and distribution of electricity, and Eversource will process all payments. The only difference is Residents Energy will be listed under the “Supplier Services” heading on monthly Eversource bills.

Beginning in January 2021, through a new 36-month electricity supply contract with Residents Energy, the Carlisle Community Choice Power Supply Program will offer three distinct plans that ratepayers may choose from for the source of their electricity:

• Standard Product (i.e., the default product), being offered at $0. 11450/kWh, which is 100% renewable achieved by purchasing 15% Massachusetts Class I Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) above the state’s minimum requirements of 18% in 2021 (stepping up 2% each year) with the balance being National Wind RECs

• Optional Basic Product, being offered at $0. 10640/kWh, which just meets the state’s minimum requirements

• Optional Green 100% Product, being offered at $0. 13940/kWh, which provides 100% Massachusetts Class I RECs achieved through the purchase of additional RECs above the state’s requirements.

Under Carlisle’s current contract (July 2018 to December 2020), the Standard Product meets Massachusetts requirements with the balance being secured through the purchase of National Wind RECs from sources outside of New England. The new Standard Product and the Optional Green 100 Product include the use of Massachusetts Class I RECs, which incentivize additional New England renewable energy projects, create more job opportunities in the New England energy sector, and support the New England economy.

“We are thrilled to provide this multifaceted electricity program to Carlisle residents and business owners,” said Alan Lewis, Chair of the Carlisle Select Board. “Residents want Carlisle to reduce its carbon footprint to combat global climate change. This program will help the Town move forward on this goal.”

Residents and business owners currently enrolled in Carlisle’s Standard Product will be automatically enrolled in the new Standard Product and those that are enrolled in the Optional Basic Product will be automatically enrolled in the new Optional Basic Product. Customers wishing to change plans, including those wishing to move to the new Optional Green 100 Product, may do so starting on December 7, 2020. Residents and business owners have been sent a notification letter containing instructions on how to change plans.

There are no enrollment, early termination, or cancellation fees attached to the Carlisle electricity program. Customers who choose to opt-out can also opt-in at a later date if they choose, at no cost. Customers may change plans as often as they wish. However, customers switching from a contract with a third-party supplier may be subject to penalties or early termination fees charged by that supplier. Customers should verify terms with their third-party suppliers before switching.

Eversource Basic Service rates change twice a year or more, depending on rate class. As a result, the aggregation rate may not always be lower than Eversource’s Basic Service rate. The goal of the aggregation is to provide cost savings for the Optional Basic Product and environmental benefits for the other two products over the life of the program against Eversource Basic Service. However, such savings and future savings cannot be guaranteed.

The Town will host representatives of Colonial Power Group for two Zoom information sessions on Wednesday, December 16, at 7 p.m., and Friday, December 18, at 7 p.m. Based in Marlborough, Colonial Power Group is the leading aggregation-consulting firm in Massachusetts. Colonial Power has been working with local governments since 2002 in the design, implementation, and management of municipal aggregation programs.

Please send an email to for Zoom meeting link information.

To learn more about Carlisle’s Community Choice Power Supply Program, you may visit or call 1-866-485-5858 ext. 1. You may also contact the Carlisle Energy Task Force at  ∆

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